SE publish latest Risk Capital Market report

The report considers the risk capital market in the UK, assessing Scotland and benchmarking against the other regions and countries of the UK. It looks across deal sizes, sectors, regions and investor types.

Headlines – 2022 Calendar year

• 2022 set a new record for Scotland’s equity risk capital market with £953m (up 26% from 2021) invested across 407 deals (slightly down on the previous year of 424)

• This placed Scotland as the top performing region outside the Golden Triangle (London, the South-East and East of England)

• This is a continuation of the market growth seen over several years, and the growing reputation of Scotland’s innovative and high growth companies and their success in securing investment

• Scotland attracted three “very large deals” (£50m+) in 2022 (£164m into Borderlink t/a GoFibre, £101.3m into TauRx Pharmaceuticals and £50m into Well-Safe Solutions) which made up a third over the overall market

• 2022 was also a record year for investment into Scottish spinouts, with £235m raised by 58 spinouts making it a record year for spinout value (up 53% on 2021’s £154m)

• Scotland continued to demonstrate the strength of angel investment, coming in after only London for the number of deals with Angel Group participation (88 deals)

• The Scottish market continued to attract interest from international PE & VC investors who participated in 87 deals in Scotland, the highest deal participation for this investor type outside of the Golden Triangle - testament to the quality of Scottish companies able to attract this mobile international investment.

More information HERE.